Welcome to the Contra Costa Dental Society

We are here to serve dental professional members and the public through education, communication, service and leadership.

For our dental professionals: Please explore links to CE course offerings, calendar of events, employment and practice management advice, and many more useful tools for you and your practice.

For our community: This ​website provides the latest information on dental trends, valuable information on dental treatment needs, oral health care and an easy way to FIND A DENTIST close to where you live or work. All dentists in the directory have made a commitment to uphold the highest ethical standards and practice values. 

We welcome your feedback! Please contact us at 925.284.8662 or via email at execdirector@ccdds.org.

Thank you.

The Contra Costa Dental Society
Staff and Board of Directors 


Please click here for a list of Contra Costa Dental Society member dentists currently accepting Denti-Cal patients or you may call toll-free 800.322.6384, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.